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Runtime API Examples

This page demonstrates usage of some of the runtime APIs provided by VitePress.

The main useData() API can be used to access site, theme, and page data for the current page. It works in both .md and .vue files:

<script setup>
import { useData } from 'vitepress'

const { theme, page, frontmatter } = useData()

## Results

### Theme Data
<pre>{{ theme }}</pre>

### Page Data
<pre>{{ page }}</pre>

### Page Frontmatter
<pre>{{ frontmatter }}</pre>
<script setup>
import { useData } from 'vitepress'

const { theme, page, frontmatter } = useData()

## Results

### Theme Data
<pre>{{ theme }}</pre>

### Page Data
<pre>{{ page }}</pre>

### Page Frontmatter
<pre>{{ frontmatter }}</pre>


Theme Data

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      "link": "/"
      "text": "🚗目录",
      "link": "/guide/dispatcher"
      "text": "💻开发",
      "link": "/guide/development/api-examples"
      "text": "📚升学",
      "link": "/guide/high-school-study/preparatory"
      "text": "🔍关于",
      "link": "/about"
  "sidebar": {
    "/guide/development": [
        "text": "开发指南",
        "items": [
            "text": "Get Started",
            "link": "/guide/development/starter"
        "text": "版本管理",
        "items": [
            "text": "Git",
            "link": "/guide/development/git"
            "text": "GitHub",
            "link": "/guide/development/github"
    "/guide/high-school-study": [
        "text": "高中学习指南",
        "items": [
            "text": "Get Started",
            "link": "/guide/high-school-study/starter"
        "text": "高考方向",
        "items": [
            "text": "预科部概要💯",
            "link": "/guide/high-school-study/preparatory"
            "text": "在预科部之前🕞",
            "link": "/guide/high-school-study/preparatory-before"
            "text": "我应该怎么去学习📚",
            "link": "/guide/high-school-study/preparatory-study"
            "text": "调整好自己的心态❤️‍🩹",
            "link": "/guide/high-school-study/preparatory-mentality"
            "text": "高考志愿填报✏️",
            "link": "/guide/high-school-study/application-china"
            "text": "大学亲身感受名录🤔",
            "link": "/guide/high-school-study/china-university"
        "text": "出国方向",
        "items": [
            "text": "国际部生存指南",
            "link": "/guide/high-school-study/international/introduction"
            "text": "关于申请大学",
            "link": "/guide/high-school-study/international/applying"
    "/guide/college-study": [
        "text": "大学生指南",
        "items": [
            "text": "Get Started",
            "link": "/guide/college-study/starter"
        "text": "从接受现状开始",
        "items": []
        "text": "如何自学",
        "items": []
        "text": "尝试改变一些东西",
        "items": []
        "text": "实验室",
        "items": []
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  "footer": {
    "message": "Last Updated at 2024-7-20",
    "copyright": "Copyright © 2018-present SubIT, PkuSchool"

Page Data

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  "relativePath": "guide/development/",
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Page Frontmatter

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Check out the documentation for the full list of runtime APIs.

Last Updated at 2024-7-20